Strengths and Challenges in Communicating.

Communication means of sending or retrieving information. This can be done through various medium such as face-to-face, writing a letter, telephones or computers.

One of my strengths in communication is listening. By listening, it allows one to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. Listening to the person also help me give good feedback or question from what the other person is saying. In addition, it can make the other person feels comfortable talking with you. Which would make the conversation be smoother and comfortable.

The other strength I have in communicating is that I can sympathise the other person easily. After listening and understanding them, it is easy for me to relate what they are feeling. Other than listening, looking at their expression and hearing their tone helps in understanding them better.

One main challenge I have in communicating is the empathising the person. It is easier to sympathise rather than to empathise what the person actually feels. Sometimes, it is not possible to put yourself in someone else’s shoes if you do not have the same passion, interest or understanding that they have. Due to this, I find it challenging to give good feedback or advise. By giving good feedback, means one is interacting with the other person. But if I gave no or a bad feedback, the communication might get loss.

Next challenge is that I may sometimes communicate too much. This occurs when I ask a lot of questions or just talking about something which is not related at all. This can lead to annoyance and hence, stopping the communication.

Lastly, I tend to have miscommunications. Sometimes when I feel that we lack of mutual understanding even though I thought we both are on the right frequency. There are times when I thought I had answered the other person question but they are still confused. Hence it will create frustration for the person and break the communication.

Two objectives

The first objective I set for myself is that I would want to be able to give good feedback or advice after listening to the person. The other objective is I would be able to communicate fluently to anyone. To do all this, I would need to read more and speak proper English when communicating to anyone. 

People who I commented: Alfin, Syu Lynn and Kok Leong.


  1. I agree with your opinions Azziz. Your blog post is well structured and neatly arranged, also communicating your thoughts succinctly as required for this assignment. Apart from some slight grammar infractions, your post is great!

  2. Hi Azziz, having good listening skills is an important skill to have since some of us would rather speak what is on our mind instead of hearing people's feedback instead. I would suggest that it would be better if you would speak up more relevant as well so that the conversation would flow instead of having a one way conversation which only your peers/ friends would be talking.

    From my opinion, regarding communicating too much, I think that it will be best to think carefully before talking so that miscommunication would not occur. Furthermore, I think that the situation/surroundings are important in having a conversation. For example: During a review class, it would be better to ask questions from your classmates at the end of the class instead of talking mid-way when a lecturer is teaching. The misunderstanding might be due to disturbing your peers when he/she is learning.

    Finally, I think that your structure of your blog is well written and I wish you all the best on achieving your two objectives that you set for yourself. Good luck!

    -Alfin Syarfan Bin Anuwar

  3. Hi Azziz!

    I would like to encourage you with reaching your goals that you've set out for yourself! These two objectives will easily be reached once you have overcome your challenges.
    I feel that in order to empathise more than to sympathise, one would have to put him/herself down, and humbly put themselves in the shoe of the opposite party. Even though you may seem to not have the interest in what they are saying, at least try to feel in their position. Such disinterest will be easily shown through body gestures. Once your friend sense that you are not interested, they will slowly talk lesser and end the conversation as such.
    Also, in order to prevent miscommunication, you may want to dig deeper into the topic that the two of you are on. This way, you will get to have a confirmation if the two of you are on the same page. If you are not, then you will be able to make quick adjustments, to prevent miscommunication from happening.
    I urge you to not fear of the set backs you have had in your conversation with people, and go all out to improve. Do not let a mistake make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, use the negativity to convert the energy to bring yourself back stronger and better.
    On a side note, I feel that there are a little grammatical errors here and there. You might want to make some changes for your Final post!
    All the best!

    -Lim Sing Yiing

  4. Hi Azziz!

    I can see that you are pretty strong in understanding people with their emotion and expressions, I believed this is backed by your rich experience in communicating with many people in your life. Even though you are not being able to empathize with the person, you could project yourself in thoughts similar to them. I feel that if you are not able to empathizes, you try your best to sympathizes but there is no need force yourself to fully understand how they feel as that creates a disconnect between you and the person when communicating. I feel that it would be better to tell the person up front about the topic being kind of hard for you to understand first before asking questions as they may be notified of your lack of understanding, it will be easier for them to either try and let you understand or dropping the topic if it is too hard for them to explain.

    Thank you for sharing about yourself, the post has a good flow and structure. All the best in improving yourself in communication!

    - Kok Leong


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